Past Written Pieces! (And an Update)

Hey everyone! I know it’s been a little while since I last wrote (life has kind of gotten in the way and has been holding me back from getting my creative juices flowing to get some more blabbing out to you). Thankfully, I (for the most part) have gotten one of the biggest hindrances going on taken care of, and should be moving mostly full time to writing! In the meantime, here are some past pieces, some going as far back as my freshman year of college, to keep you while I get back into action.


And there you have it folks: three little treats to take a trip down memory lane with. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be sitting myself down and writing a TON to get myself back in the game. You can even expect to have a couple things that might not be video game related, but don’t worry: there will still be a lot of video game ranting to come.


Until next time!

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